Thursday, September 24, 2009

Doing the happy dance

I hit the Mart today with 2 kids in tow and an envelope full of coupons. Had one of my better shopping trips today.

Subtotal before taxes: $82.98

Subtotal after coupons: $23.82!

After taxes: $27.61

That's $55.37 in coupons. How sweet is that? Let me tell ya, pretty sweet.


Taylor's said...

Why sweet and why is that when I go with tons of coupons they give me the evil eye and then when they see how much I saved they ask me how to do that.

Christie said...

Where'd u get all those?!

Melissa said...

That is awesome! I wish I could do that.

Brittney said...

I was feeling pretty good with my $23 in coupons yesterday but you put me to shame. Are you registered with any of the coupon sites or are you just getting manufacture coupons? Looks like you need to update your "Couponitis" blog to share all your secrets.

Alicia said...

How did you do all that?!


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