So we're playing and we all let our kids play. They are loving it! I've never broken a bone. I've never graduated from college. I've never eaten sushi. Hunky Dory. UNTIL........
My Isaac gets caught without a seat and ends up being in the middle. With about 2 seconds hesitation he blurts out, "I've never taken a crap in the yard."
Are You Serious. Tell Me You Did Not Just Say That.
"I've never taken a crap in the yard."
First of all----Go Find Your Real Mom.
Second----Did you seriously just say that?
Third----What are you thinking?
I guess my kid is smarter than I give him credit for. He knew that by saying that he would be able to get Owen up out of his chair and he could get a spot and Owen would get stuck in the middle. Needless to say, it worked.
Everyone died laughing. What seemed to be tears of laughter rolling down my face, were really more like tears of embarrassment. SERIOUSLY. My kids are not normal. And yes, Owen took a "crap" in the yard when he was like 2 years old.
This post had my laughing so hard (and Matt too!) Thanks for the good laugh!
This post had my laughing so hard (and Matt too!) Thanks for the good laugh!
The joys of raising boys and to top it off…. they have Hepworth blood. I'm telling you from my experience you better get use to it.
OMG!!!!!!!!!! That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. I too have tears rolling down my face :) Just think another boy to add to this fun!!
How are you feeling? Where's the prego pics?
That's awesome! We love to hear your stories!
Thats hilarious!
It definitely won't be the last time either.
I thought for sure you were going to say that Kurt had to stand up.
You just made my night, man I love your boys. We seriously need to hang out as families again. Love ya
CLine: I am totally blaming this (and several other things) on the fact that they have Hepworth blood. As far as getting used to it, arrrgh-NEVER! Maybe that explains why I am alway on their tails. Good to hear from you!
And for the rest of you, I'm glad you got a good laugh. Yes it is funny, but where's the empathy people? Tell me you would not have died.
Oh I needed that laugh! that was awesome!
And just so you know - my daughter would have had to get up and she "crapped" in the yard under the front stairs when she was FOUR - not TWO!
haha. that's the best thing I've heard all day...too bad he didn't say in a lake huh...or maybe a river??? maybe more than Owen would have gotten up. haha. I haven't played that game in a while. but, yes, I would have kept a red face all day and been embarrassed for a few more Sundays to come, but at least your boys made for a good story! I love it...thanks for sharing...
Oh man I totally FEEL your PAIN!!!!
LOVE IT...our kids were given to us to keep us humble...apparently it's working for you! :)
oops...apparently my husband is signed in onto the computer right now...Matt is actually me, Britt
That is so stinkin' funny. Your kids are super sweet!
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