Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Unexpected Visitor Strikes Again....and Again.....

Okay, so I have been visited my by least favorite unexpected visitor 3 times since Christmas. Remember my Unexpected Visitor post? No warning no nothing.

The first visit he needed to get a tool box out of the garage. You mean you need to get your toolbox now? Out of the garage. That place that looks like a bomb went off. You mean you want to wade through the labyrinth of crap to get to your toolbox in the back of the garage. Whatever, good luck. Sorry it's a mess, I say as I close the door and run to the window to spy to see if he actually makes his way back out with his tool box.

The next visit he came at 9 p.m. at night to drop off some filters. Okay...........that was random.

Then he just came by and barely left after fixing a light fixture. It is new years day. We slept in. Did lazy stuff ALL MORNING. Still in our pajamas. Yesterday's makeup smeared all over my face. Horse breath. House is a friggin' mess. Kitchen garbage stinks to high heaven. And the guy needs to fix our light fixture, that just happens to be right by-----you guessed it-----the kitchen garbage. Could I be any more embarrassed?


Anonymous said...

The secret to life is to just chill!!!!

Carpenter's said...

I too dislike the unexpected visitor!! We are now in a SMALL town and we found out just how small this town is. We were pulling up to our house and a lady was walking out of our unlocked house. Yes the florist here just walks in and leaves flowers on your kitchen table! Ughhhhh! Needless to say we lock our doors now :)

Rochelle said...

I missed the first unexpected visitor post obviously. Is it PW? I am guessing he looked at your furnace sometime right? Any warmer? If it makes you feel any better Tyler's sisters new house is FREEZING! Here's to houses built in the 50's!


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