Tuesday, August 14, 2012

{Slack Line}

Kurt spontaneously purchased a slack line on the internet.  We just got it yesterday and have put it to good use already.  Last night we took it to a park where we hooked up with some family, and today he hooked it up to the neighbor's trees and had the whole neighborhood over to try it out.  Although I haven't tried it yet, it's harder than it looks.  We haven't seen anyone walk across the entire thing yet. 

1 comment:

Amanda Hobbs Dierenfeldt said...

This is Amanda, Amy Hobbs' sister.
My neighbor has one of these and can ride his unicycle across it. Oh, and do backflips. Yeh, I know.
Flinn's pic snagged my eye and I've been reading up on your experience. Love the Hepworths. God couldn't have found a better family to send Flinn.
Heart wrenched as I read your courageous thoughts throughout his birth.
I don't know you other than Amy's relationship with you guys but I ached for you and Kurt during the raw moments. Kurt is the man for the job. And you.... you're both the best husband wife team I've seen. Can't wait to see your family evolve into even more coolness. If that was at all possible! Best, Amanda Hobbs Dierenfeldt


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