Of course a Christmas card is not complete without a family picture. The dreaded family picture. I have a fear of getting pictures done. It's a torturous event for me. Trying to get everyone to stand still, let alone smile; or hey, you don't even have to smile. Just make sure your mouth isn't in a pouty pucker, or wide open like you just got the heck surprised out of you. Oh, and if you could keep your eyes open, that would be great too.
We just aren't a photogenic bunch. Is there a class that you can sign your kid up for smiling 101? Why is it that the only picture you can get your whole family to smile at the same time looks like this?
A wandering dog decided to meander it's way over. Ahhhh, a cute dog. Happy thoughts, cute grins.....NOT. Instead, "I think that dog is coming over he...eeee....r."
And check this one out. Oh, we don't have to stand still, yippy skippy!
It's too bad we can't blame our uncanny modeling abilities on our photographer. Cortney was awesome. And did manage to get some good shots.Although I was a stress-ball, I think we did it. We got one that made the cut. It will proudly be printed on our card for all to see. Somewhat regretful, I dropped the ball this year and decided to go with a printed card. There is too much going on, and I would have never got them made in time. So, this was the best route to take. So far I am liking the idea of having one less thing to stress about in life. By the way, if you would like to recieve one of our beaut's, email or comment me.
Here's to closed eyes and opened mouths in mid sentence. Here's to rambunctious kids and to the wind that never stopped. Here's to it being 20 degrees. Here's to the 'Ol Christmas Card. May you bring joy to many lives.
Beautiful pictures! You all look fabulous!!!
I think they turned out great! your family is beautiful!
Cute, cut and more cute!
Cute pictures Kanani!!! We had difficulty getting our perfect picture this year too! So hard with 4 kids! I am doing photo cards (again) this year...it IS nice to not stress about those!
Ummmm I better get one! You have a darling family. I'm looking forward to seeing the chosen one.
So cute. You guys are a great looking family. Now I have even more guilt for not doing my whole family!
We had the same problem. Kalea either wouldn't smile, was pouting or bawling in the majority of ours.
I really love the individual pics - super cute!
I can't believe how grown up your boys are! They are some handsome boys. Miss you and hope we made the cut this year :)
Can't wait to see the one that made the cut! I am right there with you on the printed card this year. Actually I don't even know if we will get around to that-we haven't even done pics yet and that is definitely the toughest part.
I love your little guy. He's such a cutie. They all are but that bald little head just puts a smile on my face. :)
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