Saturday, July 11, 2009

The F.O.U.R.T.H.


We went to Rexburg for the fourth. We hadn't been there in quite a while. It was good to be home.

Sarah put together a get-together at the park for who ever was in town and wanted to come. There were lots of fellow Bobcats in the park that day.

Rob. Kanani. Meridee. Aaron. Steve. Kate.

The Kraus' in the house.

Gavin got his first real kiss from little Ava.
"But I just wanted to Love him," she said. So cute!

Girl talk.
Kate. Meridee. Heather. Sarah

High School Buddies.
Kanani. Rachel. Rochelle. Sarah. Meridee.
Kurt took this picutre. I love how he captures the over excitement in my face and Meridee's "cut" hand signal. "Got it. Looks good," he says.

Heber. Kurt.
Kurt's cousin.


It was a great day in the park. Just as we were finishing up, the rain came and chased us all away.


Brittney said...

I can't believe we missed out on all of this. I saw Sarah at the parade and she said you were all there until almost six. I was so bummed because we were home from Jackson by three. I just had no idea you guys would party for so long! :)

Hopefully next year!

The Haley Family said... was such fun last year! What a fun time, we were the only "haley's" not in attendance in Rexburg this year. Stinks to live so far away from family!

You are so darling pregnant!!!


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