Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The big date!

Kurt picked me up at 6:30 and we went to Market Street Grill, a seafood restaurant. The sucky thing is I got sick on the way there. You see, I get car sick. It seems to be more and more prevelant. So, I felt pucky and dizzy. There was a 40 minute wait, so I had some time for the sickness to ware off. And it did for the most part.

The food was fabulous and so was the conversation. We had a great time without the kids. A big thanks to Tyler and Rochelle for taking them off our hands for the night. After we ate Kurt took me up to the VA to show me where he worked. Well, needless to say this was where the last part of our date was spent. He let me play around with his equipment and look at his retina. I wanted to see his optic nerve. I almost had it on my first try, but didn't quite have it in focus. So of course I had to try it again, and again........It was one of those things where you just had to keep trying because you were so close. Finally, after an hour, we decided that we needed to get home to the kids. I never did see his optic nerve.

Our date was't anything spectacular, but the time spent was all we needed to make it a great night. Kurt did get me a gift. He got me some MAC makeup. Blush and Lipgloss. Very sweet. Now next year for our 10 year, I envision us sitting on some some exotic island basking in the sun. Kurt are you listenening?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! I of course didn't send anything. I do have an anniversary card for you Kanani for being with SU for 1 year. Who knows which box that is in. Angie said you won a bunch of stuff at convention. Congrats!


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