Tuesday, April 16, 2013

{Boston Marathon}

Today as I went to run at the gym, I noticed on every t.v. that there was something going on in the news.  As I began my run, and turned on my monitor, I learned about the 2 bombs that went off at the finish line at the Boston Marathon.  As I continued to run, more and more details began to come out.  Three dead and hundreds injured.  As I ran, my adrenaline was pumping.  I got chills.  Here I was running, watching runners who have trained for months for their day in Boston, only to have it taken away from them.  Some of them possibly hurt or maimed.  We still don't know the how and why's yet. 
This photo has been going around the internet.  This shows some runners that are almost to the finish line and the explosion on the left. 

I began running 9 weeks ago.  I wouldn't put myself anywhere near the same level as the Boston runners, but just knowing how much, how long, one must train to even qualify, makes me so incredibly sad for those who were running.  To have made it to "The Boston Marathon" was probably a dream, a goal for many. 

What a sad thing to have happened today.  For the runners, the spectators, for our country. 


Alicia said...

Well written. I am so sorry for the Boston victims and their families.

The Clark said...

I had no idea anyone read my blog anymore! It's mostly just a memory keeper thing for me these days. I had a nutso calling for a while and it thwarted all non-necessary activity, including blogging. Trying to catch up now. Anyway, glad you commented! It reminded me of your awesome blog. Hope all is well for you all!

χαλκιδα said...

your article is very good


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