The invites.
I was too busy running around and forgot to snap a before picture of the cereal buffet before all the mayhem started. It looked all cutesy, but was quickly ransacked within minutes. Boys....
Those that rarely get to eat sugar cereal were in cereal sugar overload heaven.
We played some "cereal" games. Capture the cereal box, flying fruit loops, and name that cereal.
Present time! Owen got a lot of fun gifts. Basketball items seemed to be popular. Owen loves basketball.
Kept it simple and went with a donut cake. I'm a big fan.
Finn was a peach and jumped in his jumper for the duration of the party.
The party favors. I printed on paper bags and filled them with a donut from the donut cake and a box of cereal.
Later in the day we surprised Owen with his very own Ipod. He'd been begging for anything newer than a 1st generation.
It was "CEREALsly" a great day!
-knows every basketball fact known to man
-would wear basketball shorts and a t-shirt everyday if he could
-hates to do homework
-loves beef stroganoff
-likes to play video games
-is tech savvy
-tells Finn he's awesome every time he sees him
-has a funny sense of humor
-doesn't use a cup, drinks right out of the faucet
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