Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wrangler Butts Drive Me Nuts

Especially Itty-Bitty Baby Ones!
I picked these Wranglers up at a thrift store when Isaac was born. It is my inner cowboy Idaho coming out. Eli is finally big enough to wear them. Cowboy UP!


Carpenter's said...

Oh my gosh he is growing up so fast and he is adorable! I too love those wranglers! It is funny everytime (which is frequently here in KS) Owen/Miles sees someone wearing a cowboy hat they make a big scene and say, "Mom, look it is a cowboy!" Not many cowboys in STL except for ours :)

The Kraus House said...

How in the heck is he standing! crazy. I have a pair of little wranglers as well 70's style. Oh yeah! luv and miss.

Meridee said...

He is adorable. . .and let's just say we all have a little cowboy in us.

Clinton and Jessica said...

too cute. You have a good lookin' bunch of boys there, and little cowboy/girl kids are awesomely adorable...

MJ/Mom/GrammaJ said...

Wait just a minute. Didn't you just have a tiny little baby? What is this with him standing up already? No way!
Oh, and Issac is one good looking kid. You will have to beat girls off with a bat.

Brittney said...


emily b. said...

Aaahh, love it! :)


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