Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

Had a great day today.

Slept in until 9:30 a.m. Was presented with lovely gifts. I especially love the handwritten cards from my kids. Especially when they are still in the learning to write stage. Kurt out did himself and got me some perfume, called Romance. I think it was more strategy on his part; ha ha! Got about 5 texts wishing me a Happy Mother's Day.

Made it through primary. I had to do sharing time, and played Whose Mom Is It. Always a hit with the kids. Kurt had to speak in sacrament meeting, and did a great job. Owen was sick, Gavin fell asleep, and Isaac was good so I was able to listen with no distractions. Came home, took a nap. Vegged out. Kurt took the boys for a Sunday drive leaving me alone with some peace and quiet. Watched Joan slay Annie on Celebrity Apprentice.

Got the kids to bed. And now.......I think I'll eat some cookies and drink a glass of milk.


The Clayburn Family said...

Sounds like the perfect Mother's Day!!

Taylor's said...

What an awesome Mother's Day!

The Kraus House said...

That is so funny, your day sounded a lot like mine. Kade even spoke. Don't you love mothers day, it truly is our one day off. Thank goodness for sweet husbands who are so thoughtful. Happy mothers day.


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