Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick and Tired

It's hard to hide things when the clues are blatantly obvious. Like when people call to ask a question and in making small talk ask, "How are you doing?" "Fine, I reply." When in all reality, if they were to come to my house, they would find that I have been laying in bed for the past 4 days with 5 pillows propped up supporting my back and head along with a heating pad on my lower back.

I have been feeling nauseous, and on top of that I have pinched the nerves in my back........again. (I was dishing up some taco soup. You heard it, taco soup has my back in a fury of pain.) Putting me down for the count. When I have to get up to fulfill obligations, I put on a happy face and power through. The dishes are beginning to pile up on my nightstand. Traces of crackers, tortilla chips, and toast crust liter my bedroom floor. I eat several small snacks throughout the day so I don't vomit. I'll do anything not to puke. I adjust my positioning several times to relieve the pain of my back. All in all, I pretty much feel like crap.

I am bored out of my tree. There is only so much online surfing one can do, and only so much Dr. Laura one can endure. I am usually a multi-tasker, but the thought of trying to do anything while in bed other than just laying there, it's not happening. I have watched a couple of movies with Mr. Kurtosis. All kid movies, which gets a little old.

I was going to wait to write this post, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep up the charade for very long. If my clues aren't blatantly obvious, let me spell it out for you.

I am Pregnant.

Yes, it is true! I am not very far along, only 6 weeks. Like I said, I was going to wait to write this post, but I told Mr. Hepworth, there is no way I can hide this. I have to get out of bed sooner or later and face my duties. People are going to know something is up. Beside the fact that I look like I could ralph at anytime, (I am sick from sun up to sun down. I was this way with Mr. Kurtosis. It was miserable.) Mr. McFatty is starting to show his face. Seriously! I hear that with every pregnancy you get bigger sooner, but this is ridiculous.

We are super excited and I secretly have my fingers crossed hoping that it's a girl. I am due around the 15th of September.


Anonymous said...

YEAH! I'm so happy for you! (Except for the sickness of course- that sucks.) Congrats!!!

Danielle said...

i hope you have a girl too!!! although boys are easier, at least at my house.

my friend who has a 7yr girl, twin 5yr girls, 8 month girl, just found out she is pregnant with twins. she is dying, lets hope she at least gets boys.

Meridee said...

Oh yeah! I'm so excited for your little family. I hope it's a girl too, although you make really cute boys??? I'm sorry you are sick. That is the worst part of being pregnant. . .or maybe it's getting fat. Anywho, congratulations!
Love ya!

ps sign up with netflix, you can watch them on your computer anytime and anywhere (ie bed)!

The Clark said...

yaaahooooooo!!! you guys have a good recipe, so it's rad you are procreating!

cort said...

that is so cool for you guys. We will race you at having a baby.....Ready, set.......GO!

Michelle Hepworth said...

Thats awesome! Congrats. Sorry about being so sick. Where you like that with your other boys?

Anonymous said...

hey you guys-

A Big Congrats from Cali. I was so excited I had to tell justin while he was dead asleep. I am so excited for you guys and will send estrogen wishes for a girl. talk to you soon. sorry about the morning sickness. maybe the sea bands and some ginger might help.

The Clayburn Family said...

Hey long lost friend! Congratulations on your great news. Sorry to hear about the nausea that comes with it. Well if your luck is like ours . . . the 4th will be a GIRL! Get feeling well!! Hopefully you can find some awesome coupons for DIAPERS!!

Kris said...

Congrats Kanani! I wish I lived closer to you I would come do your dishes and clean your house for you :)
Is the back pain because of the pregnancy? I always had lower back and leg pains at the beginning of my pregnancies, it was usually my sciatic nerve giving me trouble. Don't you just all the things pregnancy does to us? But it's worth it. Crossing my fingers for a girl for you!

The Clark said... cortney insinuating anything by his comment above?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! If you need anything let me know. Your boys are always welcome here if you need some quiet time. Call any time.


Clinton and Jessica said...

congrats!! that's so cool your pregnant! But that sucks you're feelin so crapy you can't get out of bed. Hope that means its a girl! Good luck the rest of the weekend!

Lori Ann said...

How exciting to be pregnant! I hope for you that it is a girl. Although you know if you have a boy you're going to have to go back and erase all of this so that one day he doesn't feel bad ;> I hope that the sickness goes away soon and that your back starts feeling better. Rest up and let the dishes pile up. You'll only get to experience this pregnancy once!

emily b. said...

VERY EXCITING! What do the boys think? I am happy for you. Sorry about the back-have you gone to a chiropracter?

Taylor's said...


No fun being sick though. I had PICC lines and feeding tubes with my pregnancy and then my girls were taken early because they were not doing well; not to mention 3 1/2 months of bed rest and Mom came to take care of our oldest.

Call me if you can't handle vomiting any more; I have great drugs!

Carpenter's said...


I am telling you right now without a doubt that it is a GIRL!! I was just like you couldn't even lift my head from my pillow in the morning without getting sick and only had sickness with my girl!! Whoohoo. Okay so maybe I am jumping the gun a little but either way with whatever you have I know you will be ecstatic. Congratulations to you both! P.S. The ginger drops really help too.

Mindy said...

Yay for the Hepworths! We are in the same boat...not literally of course. I like to call this, "the final four." I'm due 7/28 so our kids are SOOO close together (Calan is 5.) I'm a little skeered. Will you be feeling better soon? What's the norm...12 weeks or so of nastiness? Good luck with your back too. I really love reading your blog.

Christie said...

Oh I'm so crossin my fingers for a girl for you!
PS. It sounded like you were describing my house only, I'm not prego :)

Jon and Melissa said...

Hip-hip-hooray! We are so excited for you guys. Sorry that you are so sick that is a bummer, but they say that the sicker you are the better chance it is a girl. Don't know if I believe that, but if you are hoping in that direction, then maybe it will be easier to handle! Ha. Keep us updated.

Brittney said...

THINK PINK!!!THINK PINK!!! Congratulations. I am sorry to hear about your back. I feel your pain as I am just now feeling better from my stupid back issues. I hope it eases up soon so you only have the nausea to make you so miserable. :) Just kidding. I hope you start feeling better all the way around! I wish I were there to lend a hand.

celeste said...

Congratulations!!!! I also hope that you have a girl!!! they are so much fun, though I could only handle one...and the rest could be boys. I hope you start feeling better soon, don't you just hate the "all day sickness" part!

Rochelle said...

I can't believe I totally called it and you guys didn't tell me! I feel so betrayed! JK
I had a feeling and I had to ask!

I am sooooooooooo thinking pink for you!

The Lindsey's said...

AWESOME!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! That stinks that you're feeling so yuck. And I'm sure the boys are all so worried about you. I hope for your sake that it's a girl too =)

Leese said...

YAY!!!! That is so exciting! But so incredible not fair that you feel so awful! Hope that part doesn't last too long! Congrat's!

The Kraus House said...

let me say congrats like the other many friends that you two have. Kanani I am sosoo sorry there is nothing like the sick of pregnancy. nothing. If you need me I will be down in a flash. plus it we would me an excuse to see you guys. As for the hope of a girl, I bet it is in your card. You should check out the chinese calander on line. (for predicting gender of babies) It was right with harper. Its fun anyways. Sorry for writing a letter. Luv you all

The Haley Family said...

Congratulations! We got our girl after 3 boys...crossing our fingers! I was also VERY sick with her...who knows!

BRIAR said...

Woohoo!! Congrats! I am so sorry you are sick. That really is awful. I am excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you are like blogger of the year and you have so many friends! I am jealous...I guess you will have to change your blog title! Yeah for you - The world could definitely use another little Kurt or Kanani.
Sorry to hear about your back though and I hope it is a little better!
xoxo Nicole

Tamara said...

Congratulations! Here's hoping you start feeling better soon.

Mrs. Olsen said...

half way through the post...the puking, the nibbling on carbs, I thought it sounded like a bun in the oven. sorry about the back. Ibuprofen is not good the first trimester (that is what usually saves my back) but I recently realized I have never used the old-fashioned rememdy of a hot water bottle. Fill it up with hot water and put it on that back to loosen it up. Hope you get feeling better soon.

Nelson said...

Wow girl!
Congrats! Sorry about the sickness and back pain. Would some chicken noodle soup help?

barrettandaudrey said...

Congrates! I know the sick feeling, in fact I am 20 weeks and was throwing up this morning. It is so worth it though! We found out we are having a girl, it is really exciting. By-the-way Barrett's dad put me on unisom and b-complex to help with the sickness (I was throwing up every 1/2 hour). Anyway it seems to help. I take half a unisom with a b-complex in the morning, lay down and if I keep it down the rest of the day is great. I am not one for taking things while pregnant but Dr. Miller said it was safer for the baby then all of my throwing up, and 1/2 pill is a really small dose. So... hope it helps good luck.

Ashley Thalman said...

Congratulations. I will be sending you a little something tomorrow:)


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