Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Next Door Tortoise Romance

Break time

So my neighbors have these 2 tortoise's, Myrtle & Shelly. They just roam their yard and eat grass and watermellon rines. Well, you will often see them, or if your lucky hear them "mating". Appearantly it is mating season for tortoises. And I gotta tell ya, it's a little weird. I mean who has large turtles that roam their yard and play hanky panky all day? It's wierd, right? I mean maybe have one turtle roaming the premises, or two of the same sex. It gets a little awkward. The funny thing is, they don't even look real. They look fake. At first I thought it was like a joke the neighbors were playing. But No, they are real. Their yard has a chain liked fence that surrounds it, so anyone walking by or driving by can veiw the show for free. But who is going to actually stop and watch two turtles do their thang?

Well, I have to say that I have gotten some good laughs from the whole turtle situation. The other day, I just happened to look out the kitchen window and there was this girl walking by. She kept suspiciously looking around, so I quickly shut the blinds and peeked through watching her to see what she was doing. Well, she walked by, but then she quickly b-lined it for the neighbors fence, pulled out her cell phone and snapped a shot of Myrtle and Shelly in action. HA! It was so funny. And then she casually walked off like nothing happened. Little did she know I saw the whole thing.

Then yesterday there was this blue minivan that drove by and by and by and by and by. He would go up the street turn around and come back driving by really slowly by the turtles. It got to the point where he was driving up the wrong side of the road next to the fence and didn't know it until he looked up and there was a truck that was waiting to proceed in his rightful lane.
He must have been trying to get a peek at the action, either that, or he was really interested in the neighbor's nice green lawn.


Rochelle said...

You crack me up. And here I am thinking you are working your little buns off over there unpacking and what not and I find out the whole time you are checking out the neighbors tortoises. Tsk, tsk, tsk..

Clinton and Jessica said...

yeah yeah, I'd probably be checking on their hanky panky business too. It's kinda weird, yet you can't help but look right? that's awesome that its a peep show for the general public, what a great neighborhood!

The Clark said...


C Harker said...

This whole tortoise thing cracks me up! People must have nothing else to do except drive by and watch the tortoises in action. Fun stuff!


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